Asbestos Inspections Gold Coast
Where is Asbestos?
If your house is built before 1990 it is highly likely that asbestos will have been used in some form within your home.
Our experienced and knowledgeable consultants specialise in locating asbestos throughout your property.
The most common locations of asbestos within your home are generally:
- The roof
- Internal walls and ceilings
- Floor coverings
- External wall cladding
- Insulation materials
- Light switches
The health risks associated with using and working with asbestos are well known these days. So, if you suspect the use of asbestos within your home, DO NOT DISTURB (or even touch) it. Seek a professional.
Asbestos Testing Services
An Asbestos Inspection will identify exactly where asbestos has been used in your property.
Our Inspection services include:
- Asbestos Identification
- Asbestos Assessment
- Asbestos Testing
- Asbestos Audit
- Asbestos Report